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FLASH: Extension of Inpatient Authorization for Select Outpatient Procedures Performed Within Seven Days of Discharge

Health AllianceTM and Health Alliance NorthwestTM Ease Utilization Management Requirements for Providers

We have heard you and know how busy you are. We have brainstormed new and unique ways to ease the burden for you and your staff. In an effort to both provide additional support to you and improve patient access, we’re creating a new post-discharge extension of the Inpatient Authorization to select Outpatient procedures that are performed within seven days of the Inpatient discharge. 

Beginning September 15th, 2021, Health Alliance and Health Alliance Northwest:

  • Procedures performed in an Inpatient setting are covered under the Inpatient authorization. We will extend this (Inpatient) Authorization on select Outpatient procedures for patients who have been discharged from an Inpatient stay, if the Outpatient procedure is performed within seven days of their discharge date.

The goal of this extension is to assist in expediting the discharge of patients requiring procedures that can be done in an Outpatient setting.  Procedures included were based on volume and approval rate. The list includes 70% of the imaging and lab procedures that require prior authorization. In-scope codes can be found in the table below.

  • Procedures on the list performed beyond the seven-day post-discharge window will still require the usual prior authorization.
  • Codes that are not on the list and require prior authorization will continue to require the usual prior authorization within the seven-day window.
  • We expect provider systems to track and coordinate care for these patients to make sure they receive the necessary procedure post discharge.

Seven-Day Post-Discharge Authorization Extension List, Effective 9/15/21*

33225 71260 73722 76812 77047 93312
33228 71271 74174 76813 77048 93350
33249 71275 74176 76816 77049 93351
33264 71555 74177 76818 77078 93451
43235 72131 74183 76825 78018 93459
43239 72156 75561 76827 78071 93460
70450 72157 75572 76828 78226 93880
70480 72193 75574 76830 78227 93882
70486 72197 75635 76831 78306 93922
70491 73200 76506 76856 78315 93970
70496 73220 76536 76857 78452 93975
70498 73222 76604 76870 78582 93979
70543 73700 76700 76872 81420 93980
70544 73701 76705 76881 93303 0502T
70546 73718 76770 76882 93304 0503T
70551 73720 76775 76885 93306 0504T
70553 73721 76811 76886 93308 C8929

*Extension list is CPT code specific.

Thanks for all that you do to take care of our members’ health. We’re proud to offer this flexibility to help you and your staff, and we’ll continue to look for more ways we can improve patient access, expedite discharge planning and alleviate administrative burden.
Chester Ho, MD – SVP & Chief Medical Officer   

April Vogelsang, RN, MS –  SVP & Chief Clinical Integration Officer