FLASH: Make Sure Patients Can Reach You
January 12, 2018Our provider directories are a key resource for our members to reach you. Members use them to search for new providers, get directions to clinics, and find contact information to schedule appointments.
To make sure the information in our provider directories is accurate, we are performing audits. CMS audits are also being done to ensure compliance with new regulations for Medicare Advantage and federal marketplace health plans.
To help us meet CMS requirements, we have partnered with LexisNexis Health Care and its Verify Health Care Portal (Verify HCP) solution. Verify HCP lets you verify directory information online for several payers at the same time, which means each payer won’t need to contact you individually.
LexisNexis will email you initially to review directory information, and if necessary, will follow up with phone calls and faxes. If you’re not the person who should receive this request, send the new person’s name, email, and phone number to your provider relations specialist as soon as possible.
And don’t forget to notify us of any changes to your information with the provider information change form.
Contact your provider relations specialist or call us at 1-800-851-3379, option 3, if you have any questions.