March 17, 2020
The last week has moved fast with information about the coronavirus (COVID-19) and the spread of the infection to states in our service area, including Washington, Iowa, Indiana, Ohio and Illinois. Every effort is being made by medical and political leaders to contain and flatten the curve of infection. This has included limiting access to ambulatory and elective procedures, self-isolating persons with symptoms or exposure, general social distancing (>6 feet for < 10 minutes) and reducing the frequency that people need to be exposing themselves to the potential viral spread.
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March 12, 2020
Health Alliance announced today that it will waive cost sharing for COVID-19 testing for members of all group and individual fully-insured plans in all states, as well as members in all Medicare Advantage Plans and the Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB) Plan. Health Alliance will cover, with no member cost share, the appropriate medically necessary diagnostic testing for COVID-19, where it is not covered as part of the Public Health Service response. At this time, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continues to pay for the laboratory tests.
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March 12, 2020
With an increasing number of people in the U.S. diagnosed with COVID-19, we’re working closely with local, state and federal health partners to keep our members and providers informed. Teams throughout our nation are taking preventive steps to limit the spread of the novel coronavirus and manage the treatment of COVID-19.
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March 3, 2020
Friday February 28th, a letter was mailed to Health Alliance contracted providers in Illinois and other Midwestern states notifying them of a new policy governing reimbursement for high cost medical drugs administered in a medical setting. This policy will go into effect June 1, 2020.
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February 25, 2020
Feedback gathered during Altruista/Guiding Care training indicated that system limitations could cause delays in care. Health Alliance took this feedback seriously and worked with Altruista/Guiding Care to develop a plan to eliminate identified barriers. The transition to Altruista/Guiding Care will occur on March 23, 2020 when all system updates are available.
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