Washington June Newsletter
June 22, 2017Transplant Service Changes Important message from Robert Good, DO, Chief Medical Officer and April Vogelsang, RN, MS, VP of Medical Management:
Transplant Service Changes Important message from Robert Good, DO, Chief Medical Officer and April Vogelsang, RN, MS, VP of Medical Management:
Transplant Service Changes Important message from Robert Good, DO, Chief Medical Officer and April Vogelsang, RN, MS, VP of Medical Management:
Transplant Service Changes Important message from Robert Good, DO, Chief Medical Officer and April Vogelsang, RN, MS, VP of Medical Management:
Starting immediately, we will no longer require preauthorizations for the first instance of standard ultrasound, greater than 14 weeks gestation (76805, or 76810 if there are multiple fetuses) or the first instance of nuchal translucency ultrasound (76813, or 76814 if there are multiple fetuses). If one of our members needs another 76805/76810 or 76813/76814 within a 10-month period, you’ll need to submit your preauthorization through eviCore in order for the claim to process correctly. If you have any questions about this change, contact your provider relations specialist.
Your Health Alliance for providers will be ready to process eviCore preauthorization requests on July 14 for dates of service of August 1 and after for: