April 17, 2020
This notice is an update to the email sent on March 20, in which Health Alliance and Health Alliance Northwest medical management announced the discontinuation of clinical concurrent reviews for all inpatients through April 20, in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
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April 16, 2020
As It Relates to You
Expressing Our Thanks
The past month has been a difficult time in America and throughout the world. As COVID-19 has infected over one million people and ground much of daily life to a halt, our frontline healthcare providers have once again shown their tireless talents, courage and humanity to a world in need of inspiration. Health Alliance Northwest expresses our most heartfelt thanks for your care, concern and selfless service for our members during these difficult and trying times.
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April 16, 2020
As It Relates to You
Expressing Our Thanks
The past month has been a difficult time in America and throughout the world. As COVID-19 has infected over one million people and ground much of daily life to a halt, our frontline healthcare providers have once again shown their tireless talents, courage and humanity to a world in need of inspiration. Health Alliance expresses our most heartfelt thanks for your care, concern and selfless service for our members during these difficult and trying times.
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April 16, 2020
As It Relates to You
Expressing Our Thanks
The past month has been a difficult time in America and throughout the world. As COVID-19 has infected over one million people and ground much of daily life to a halt, our frontline healthcare providers have once again shown their tireless talents, courage and humanity to a world in need of inspiration. Health Alliance expresses our most heartfelt thanks for your care, concern and selfless service for our members during these difficult and trying times.
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April 16, 2020
As It Relates to You
Expressing Our Thanks
The past month has been a difficult time in America and throughout the world. As COVID-19 has infected over one million people and ground much of daily life to a halt, our frontline healthcare providers have once again shown their tireless talents, courage and humanity to a world in need of inspiration. Reid Health Alliance Medicare expresses our most heartfelt thanks for your care, concern and selfless service for our members during these difficult and trying times.
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